151: Get Bettor Soon II featuring Mark DeVol
As we patiently wait for Dr. Mike from You Can Bet on That to feel better, let’s talk with his bettor half, Mark DeVol. You all know Mark as my routine guest cohost for Bettor Viewing. In this episode, we discuss tracking gambling, cashless gaming,…
150: Bettor Viewing of Luck (episodes 1 & 2) w/ Mark DeVol
Mark DeVol from You Can Bet on That joins Tim Lawson to discuss the first two episodes of Luck on HBO. Also, a couple announcements for ZorkFest, G2E, and a mid-Atlantic meetup in November. Guest co-host: Show: Use promo code…
149: Making The Card Counter Bettor featuring Joe Stapleton
Joe Stapleton had the privilege of being the poker consultant on the newly released movie The Card Counter. Joe explains how he got the job, his experience on set, the challenges of explaining some poker concepts, and ultimately how he feels about how…
148: Bettor Than Average w/ Captain Jack
This week features professional sports bettor Captain Jack Andrews. Jack shares his insight on the legal sports betting scene including the best and worst states. We also discuss the sports betting content space and his new project, Unabated, a sports…
147: Ask Bettor Questions Volume I
After a brief hiatus, I’m back with an episode answering questions you’ve sent. I also talk about my experience at Bet Bash, my thoughts on Delaware Park and Hollywood Perryville, and why I’m playing more slots lately. Show: Use promo code…
146: Bettor Viewing of Two for the Money and Mississippi Grind w/ Mark DeVol
Mark DeVol from You Can Bet on That joins Tim Lawson to discuss two gambling movies: Two for the Money and Mississippi Grind. Guest co-host: Show: Use promo code “YOELEVEN” for 11% off at The Bettor Life online shop: Support…
145: Always Getting Bettor featuring Alan “Dink” Denkenson
This was a real treat. A few weeks ago, Mark DeVol and I covered the movie “Lay the Favorite” and were surprised by a visit from famed sports bettor Alan “Dink” Denkenson, who was portrayed by Brue Willis in that film. Dink was nice enough to return…
144: Do Vegas Bettor featuring Karl Shlagel
It’s time to talk Vegas again and this week we look at Vegas through the eyes of a Vegas newbie. Karl Shlagel shares his life of gambling and the challenges that have kept him from making the trip to Sin City. Learn what this Vegas first-timer is…
143: Making Downtown Bettor featuring Derek Stevens
This week I spoke with the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Derek Stevens. Derek talks to me about rising table minimums, building a new casino, and Circa’s “sticker shock.” Enjoy! Guest: Show: Use promo code “YOELEVEN” for 11% off at The Bettor…
142: Bettor Birthday Show
With a tight schedule this week, I decided to put some of the birthday stream in the podcast. Here’s about an hour from that stream. You can watch it in its entirety at Show: Use promo code “YOELEVEN” for 11% off at The Bettor Life online…