211: Jack Mullaney plays Event #7: $1,500 Limit Hold’em at the World Series of Poker
Jack Mullaney makes his triumph return to The Bettor Life to tell us about his annual trip to the World Series of Poker to play one event: $1,500 Limit Hold’em. Jack tells us all we need to know about the event and why this is his event of choice….
210: Community member @TwoWayHardEight
I always enjoy featuring members of our community and learning about who they are as gamblers. I met @TwoWayHardEight at Vegas Vacation in 2019. I’ve had the pleasure of gambling with him and enjoying different events in Vegas. David shares his…
209: Biloxi ’23 recap with Mississippi Rob and Mark DeVol
Biloxi was a BLAST. Naturally, I invited a couple of my friends to join me for a trip report and review of our trip. I spoke with Mississippi Rob and Mark DeVol about how each of us spent our days, memorable – or not memorable – gambling sessions, and…
208: Drew Dinsick covers The Kentucky Derby
Drew Dinsick was at Churchill Downs the week of the Kentucky Derby to cover the races through a betting lens. We learn about how this opportunity came about, his experience at the track while wearing a media credential, and his thoughts on betting…
207: Biloxi 2023 preview featuring Mississippi Rob
Our Biloxi trip is just nine days away. Mississippi Rob – @MississippiRob4 on Twitter – joins me to preview the gambling town and the agenda for our meetup. Learn about logistics around Biloxi, the nine casinos available, and each opportunity you’ll…
206: Ryan AKA @RealJuicy of the Gambling With Good JuJu podcast
I asked for more gambling podcasts and I got what I asked for. Ryan and his buddies started the Gambling with Good JuJu podcast as part of their Good JuJu Betting Company brand. Ryan shares his journey of gambling from learning about poker in Westerns…
205: William Hill – VSiN contributor and sports bettor
William Hill is a sports bettor and contributor at VSiN. Will chats with host Tim Lawson about seeing points spreads in the newspaper when he was a kid, the challenges of betting with different outs, parsing through constant flow of information, and…
204: Origin Stories Volume 2
This episode features volume two of a set of answers to the question “what was your first exposure to gambling?” I pulled answers from episodes 11-28 featuring responses from Michael Trager, Preston Johnson, Michael Shackleford, Richard Munchkin, and…
203: Scott Stratten talks Vegas and casino customer service
Today, we talk with Vegas enthusiast Scott Stratten. Scott has been on The Bettor Life a few times, his last being three years ago just after the pandemic shutdown. Well, he’s fresh off his first two trips since the pandemic and has thoughts on Vegas…
202: Bettor for Everybody featuring Eric Rosenthal
Bettor Life 2.0 is a call back to the era in which Eric Rosenthal was cohost of The Bettor Life. Many consider it the peak era of the show, so we like to revisit it as often as we can. Rare for the main feed, my bettor half comes in for a full episode…