162: What else could be bettor? featuring Karl Shlagel
Earlier this year, Karl Shlagel joined us to talk about his life as a gambler, and his anticipation for his first trip to Las Vegas. Now, he’s here to tell us about that trip. Also, some important updates from The Bettor Life. Guest: Show: …
160: On to Bettor Things featuring Chase Bianchi
Chase Bianchi was originally featured on The Bettor Life in February 2019 for Episode 44. He returns 2.5 years later to share his experience at the 2021 WSOP Main Event and making the final table. He also shares the way forward in his personal life…
159: Our Bettor Selves featuring Matt Landes, Props and Hops
This week, I spoke with the host of Props and Hops, Matt Landes. We learn about how he got into sports betting, bets he likes this NFL season, and his journey as a podcaster. Also, a handful of my friends join me in giving thanks. Guest: Show: …
158: A Bettor Time at Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races
This episode is a little different. Tim heads to a casino in West Virginia and records his thoughts and experiences along the way. Enjoy! Show: Want to launch your own podcast? Use promo code “BETTOR” at sign up for 2 months free when you sign…
157: Bettor Be There featuring Lisa Melmed, Plaza Hotel Casino
This week’s episode is packed with content. First, Tim provides a brief look at his time in the Marine Corps and the gambling throughout. Then, Lisa Melmed joins the podcast. Lisa is the Marketing Manager at Plaza Hotel Casino in Vegas. She shares her…
156: Bettor Viewing of Squid Game, Ted Lasso, The Guild & more w/ Mark DeVol
Mark DeVol from You Can Bet on That joins me to discuss gambling references found in Netflix’s popular show, Squid Game. We also cover scenes from new episodes of Ted Lasso and Rick and Morty, as well as episodes from The Guild and Disenchantment….
155: Bettor Business – Dan Jones, Director of Guest Experience, Turning Stone Resort
This week’s podcast features Dan Jones, Director of Guest Experience at Turning Stone Resort Casino in New York. Turning Stone recently was named Best/#1 resort and casino in nearly 20 categories by Casino Player Magazine, including Best Dealers. Dan…
154: Make Bettor Friends featuring Cousin Vito
It’s been three years since his last proper appearance on The Bettor Life. Cousin Vito, fresh off a trip to Mohegan Sun for FARGO poker, shares his experience playing blackjack, craps, roulette, slots, video poker, and more. Plus, information on…
153: Global Gaming Expo 2021 featuring Mark DeVol and Marc Meltzer
I’m back from Vegas and the dust has settled enough for me to get this podcast. This episode includes a recap from my time gambling with Mark DeVol, sound bites from my wanderings around the Expo floor, and a discussion about G2E with Marc Meltzer….
152: The Bettor You’ll Be featuring Alex Christenson
I’m headed to Vegas today, but I couldn’t leave without dropping a podcast. This week’s featured guest is Alex Christenson. He’s on a number of different outlets including Brown Bag Bets, Eat Sleep Tennis, and Net Worth. Alex shares his perspective on…