007: Christian Pina – Professional sports bettor
Today’s episode features Christian Pina, a professional sports bettor living out in Vegas. We talk implications of legalized sports betting, his favorite sports book in Vegas, and when he realized he could bet professionally. Also in today’s…
006: Bill Krackomberger – Professional sports bettor
This week features Bill Krackomberger. Bill is a professional sports bettor that lives out in Vegas. He tells us about growing up around gambling, getting in to sports betting, his thoughts on the legalization of sports betting, and answers our new…
005: Marc Meltzer – Vegas Writer
New week. New episode. Today we talk with Marc Meltzer, a writer in Vegas. Marc has a lot of great insight to casinos, sports books, restaurants and more. We talk about Pai Gow poker, blackjack, craps, video poker and a lot more gambling stuff along…
004: Chris Kim – Faces and Aces Podcast
This week’s featured guest is Chris Kim from the Faces and Aces Podcast. Before we hear from Chris, Tim reports a recent trip to MGM National Harbor, common mistakes seen at a blackjack table (as it pertains to certain basic strategy), and thoughts on…
003: Cousin Vito – Cousin Vito’s Casino Podcast
It’s time to make luck happen! This week features Cousin Vito from Cousin Vito’s Casino Podcast. Vito shares his introduction to gambling, what he enjoys about the casino, and his podcast endeavors. Also in this episode: The importance of paying…
002: Mark Devol – You Can Bet on That podcast
Right back with episode 2. This episode features Mark Devol from the You Can Bet on That podcast. Mark talks with us about his introduction to gambling, his preferred games, and why he’s betting his life on the Browns. Before the interview, host…
001: Gill Alexander – Sports bettor, host of A Numbers Game
We kick off our interviews with my good friend Gill Alexander. Gill hosts A Numbers Game on the Vegas Stats and Information Network. Gill shares his life of gambling and his thoughts on odds for next season’s Super Bowl. Guest: @BeatingTheBook…
000 – Living The Bettor Life
And we’re off! Episode 0 is an introduction to the podcast, an introduction to myself, and a couple recent gambling endeavors I took on to get my wife Valentines Day gifts and investing in a local poker player. Follow on Twitter: @TheBettorLife
Almost there….
iTunes requires an episode to establish the feed. That’s what this is.